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null Introducing “Network for Technological Solutions Exchange (NTSE)”
Dr. Ali Vahdat in Pujiang Forum: 07:11

Introducing “Network for Technological Solutions Exchange (NTSE)”

Dr. Ali Vahdat, the chairman of INIF, in his speech in Pujiang Forum called Innovative and technological cooperation as keys to national development and a base for competitiveness among firms.  

He then added:” This historic road has been connecting civilizations for more than 1700 years, making trades possible, yet it had been forgotten for years. But now with China taking initiatives to revive the “Silk Road” and with our collaboration we could bring it back to life, keeping its nostalgic memory but moving towards a new form, the “Belt and Road”. Innovative and technological cooperation are keys to national development and a base for competitiveness among firms, and without a doubt one of the major fields for economic collaboration within the “Silk Road” as an international platform.”

Vahdat then continued his speech by focusing on the unique capability of Iran in innovation ecosystem in the region and expressed interest in participating in this platform. He then said: “Iran has made remarkable achievements in science, technology, and innovation system. It has one of the fastest growth rate in scientific publication in the world, especially in nanotechnology, biotechnology and material sciences. In addition Iran has more than 4000 technology-based firm in high-tech areas such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, ICT, energy engineering and power technology, renewable energies. Such development is the result of wide transformation in Iran’s National Innovation System. “He noted: “The importance of High-Tech companies and R&D has been reflected in many governmental documents such as Iran Comprehensive Science Road Map and Iran’s 20 years perspective plans.”

The chairman added: “Iran National Innovation Fund (INIF) was established in 2011 as a complementary institution to support knowledge-based firms financially with the initial investment of one billion Dollars under the supervision of the Iran’s Presidency. INIF has supported more than four thousand firms so far. These firms are involved in technology and innovation development. To make our firms even more capable, INIF has a special agenda to help them start international networking and build international collaboration.”

Continuing with his speech he focused on the fact that So far Iranian institutions have been engaged in international match funding in R&D and then he asked for startups and firms to move towards international match funding and then he noted that INIF is planning to support them en route. He then asked other countries to develop a network for technological solutions exchange (NTSE) along with the Silk Road. A network designed to help member countries to find their needed technological solutions and to exchange their capabilities developed by technology firms. He then named providing specific web platforms for technology exchange, expansion of tech showrooms especially in High-tech and new technologies and exchanging commercial delegations in various related sectors as tools that could be used for the expansion of the “belt and road initiative”.

Formation of mutual Funds to support technology exchange and international collaborations between firms via NTSE was his other suggestion to other countries.  By forming mutual funds, he said it would be possible to develop the more demanded technologies and control financial risks to raise the capability of all country member’s firms. Also these Funds could make the management and division of the benefits of cooperation between the members possible.

Dr. Vahdat said: “Policy Transfer is also needed for effective collaborations via NTSE. All members of this international platform have a wide range of valuable and diverse expertise in their road to technology and innovation system development and international innovation collaboration. We can easily exchange our experience with different financial mechanisms, using different financial tools, turning them into collective knowledge in order to accelerate the development of NTSE. We should consider that more than governments it is time for innovation and technology firms to start dialogues within the NTSE.”