Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Tehran, Wu Peimin, meeting with chief Officers of Iran National Innovation Fund (INIF) - english
In a meeting held at INIF building, Yaser Arabnia, Chief Coordinator and Communication Officer of INIF announced the readiness of INIF for future cooperation with China. He named the capabilities of INIF and introduced the Fund as the Key financial institution in supporting NTBFs in Iran.
Arabnia pointed to the impending visit of the Chief of INIF with a team of chief officer to China, to attend Pujiang 2019 Innovation Forum and said: “We hope with the presence of representatives of our country’s technology sector, this forum provides areas for further cooperation and collaboration.”
Wu Peimin, the commercial counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Tehran, also hoped by identifying key institutions in Iran’s innovation ecosystem, effective steps could be taken for future cooperation. He expressed his contentment with INIF Chief Officers visiting China and expressed his readiness to cooperate and support the establishment of relations between Chinese and Iranian financial institutions active in the field of technology.
Gan Daiming, second secretary of the Chinese embassy in Iran, Maleki Far, Chief Development Officer of INIF, and Sohrab Assa, the International affairs manager were present in the meeting.